Cannot Download Apps From App Store Windows 8

2020. 2. 16. 03:38카테고리 없음

Cannot Download Apps From App Store Windows 8
  1. Cannot Download Apps From App Store Windows 8 1 Hp Laptop
Cannot Download Apps From App Store Windows 8

Good Day I have a Dell Latitude 10,1' tablet with windows 8 installed on it. All was working very well for 8 weeks but in the last two weeks I can not install any apps on my tablet. It just says pending. I have tried everything from clearing the store cache to renaming the Software Distribution folder. I also tried running the app trouble shooter as well as signing out and signing in again.I dont know what to do anymore and this tablet is useless to me if I cant download apps to increase productivity. Please note: My Internet connection is fine. I did not install anything new whatsoever.

My sign in details are correct. Hi, There are various reasons why you are unable to install the Apps from the Windows Store. We need to find out the exact cause of the issue.

Cannot Download Apps From App Store Windows 8 1 Hp Laptop

I would first suggest you to close the Windows Store and then restart the computer and check if you are able to install the apps. If the issue persists, then let’s start with some basic troubleshooting methods and check if it helps. Method 1: Check the System Date and Time.

Let’s first check if the system date and time are correct. If they are showing incorrect values, then refer the article “ Sign in problems caused by incorrect time” and follow the instructions to set the correct date and time from this link: If the method 1 did not work, then try the next method to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter and check if it works. Method 2: Run the Windows Update troubleshooter. Open and run the to automatically fix the problem.

If the issue persists, then check if you are using any proxy settings to connect to the Internet. If yes, then go ahead with the next method to disable it. Method 3: Disable the Proxy Settings. If you are connected to the Internet using the proxy settings, then the Windows 8 Apps cannot connect to the Internet and thus they do not work properly as expected.

So, we need to check and disable the proxy settings in the computer. Follow these steps to disable the proxy settings and check if it helps. A) Press “Windows Logo” + “R” keys on the keyboard, type “ inetcpl.cpl” and press “Enter”. B) Click the “Connections” tab, and then click “ LAN settings”. C) Uncheck the “ Use a proxy server for your LAN” check box. D) Click “Ok”. Please post the results and we will be glad to assist you.


Sharief Khan Ex-Microsoft Forum Moderator.